Harvest Time
Families are working together to harvest their crops of okra and peanuts. The crops give them hope for a better future, with the income that can be used for more nutritious food and other necessities. Seeds that were borrowed from SHARP’s Seed Bank can be repaid. Farmers who repay their seed loans are elligible for a bigger loan next year. We love seeing their smiles, and the positive impact this is making on their lives. This year SHARP started a tool loan program as well, and we were recently awarded a grant from New Life Thrift, Inc to purchase more tools to make farming easier for these dedicated farmers. How exciting to see Families are working together to harvest their crops of okra and peanuts.

Education for All Children
As Ibrahim worked with the farmers and their families, discussions arose about the difficulties for these children to attend school. The government funded schools are over 5 miles away, and the families do not have transportation. In addition, the families do not have the funds needed for materials, etc. Initially our desire was to help the 16 children of our farm families to attend school. As questions were asked about the logistics, the entire village voiced the concern that none of their 51 children were receiving an education, giving them a bleak future. In this video the chief and the village spokeswoman are speaking, and pleading for help in educating the village youth. The chief offered a building to use as a school.
Volunteers have dug a hole and made a septic tank from cement blocks in order to have a bathroom for the building. A donation of $800 was made, and desks are being constructed. The villagers are all pitching in to help. We hope to begin teaching these children in September with materials that we can gather or print. We plan to write grants to improve the facility and supplies as we go. If you would like to make a donation for our adult or children’s literacy program, please click here