Farmers recently received fertilizer to boost growth of their vegetable crops. Fertilizer was distributed based on the number of crops each farmer is growing. Crops were planted in May with loans from our seed bank. When seed loans are repaid, the farmer is eligible to borrow a larger amount of seeds the following year.
Farmers are also able to borrow tools stored in our Agriculture Center to use in farming. Tools available include hoes, spades, wheelbarrows, watering cans, etc. Without the use of these tools most smallholder farmers were using sticks and machetes to clear land and plant crops.

Most of these smallholder farmers have never farmed before, and have very limited opportunities to earn an income to support their families. The expert training supplied by SHARP has enabled them to gain the skills needed to become farmers. There are public lands available for farmers to use. In addition, SHARP has 50 acres of land we allow some farmers to cultivate.
In addition to the lack of income earning opportunities, hunger and malnutrition are big problems faced by the residents of these impoverished communities. Growing vegetables allows them to provide their families with more nutritious food. Many of the farmers are single mothers. This is life changing for them.

We currently rent a building for the Agriculture Center. We successfully raised the $1,500 annual rent that was due, so rent is paid until July, 2025!!
The new school that is being constructed in Newton Village will have space for the Agriculture Center. We hope it will not be necessary to pay rent much longer, and that we can move to the new location soon.
SHARP also has a future goal of providing adult literacy programs in the evening, further improving their skills and ability to be successful entrepreneurs.

SHARP is a 501c3 charity. All donations are tax-deductible and 100% of your donation goes towards the work being done.
You can donate in one of the following ways:
1. PayPal: Click here to donate
2. Send the funds via Zelle® to SHARPecs0622@gmail.com