For the past few weeks, we’ve been sharing about our New School and Agricultural Building Campaign and it’s been so exciting to see the outpouring of support as well as the progress that’s already been made on the building construction with the funds that have been raised… Thank You!!
To celebrate, our founder Ibrahim Kamara has an inspiring video message for you with more updates about the project and how you can help us cross the finish line.
Click the image below to check it out!👇
Our goal for this year’s Giving Tuesday campaign is to raise $18,000 to finish our NEW permanent school for 86 children who have never had access to education in rural Sierra Leone.
So far, we’ve reached 20% of our fundraising goal and the walls to the school are already being built by our volunteers!!
TODAY, your support matters even more to help us keep the momentum going so we can finish what we started.
With every donation (no matter the amount), we are 1 step closer to providing children and families with education and empowerment for generations to come… Will you join our mission?