Climate Resiliency Programs

We believe that the root cause of poverty in these communities is driven by exposure to extreme weather. By moving families to a safe climate zone, and providing them with agricultural and educational skills they need to succeed in the long term, SHARP will reduce poverty rates.
Every year flooding devastates the impoverished communities in low lying areas of Sierra Leone.
Families regularly lose their belongings, homes, and livelihoods during the rainy season. With most families engaging in petty trade and other small businesses, when their homes are threatened so is their means of generating income.
These communities have always been highly impacted areas because not only are the swamp lands where the communities are built naturally prone to flooding, but the makeshift shelters are not strong enough to resist high water pressure.
When you add in the poor environmental and sanitation conditions floods cause with the increased risk for illness, hunger, and starvation, poverty becomes inevitable.
Safe Haven Adaptive Response Program (SHARP) started on August 15, 2017 as an emergency response for mudslide and flash flood survivors in Sierra Leone.
Initially conceived to provide basic needs for flood victims, our vision has grown towards developing sustainable climate resiliency for the families we serve.
Our climate resiliency programs include:
Quality Education Program

We provide access to quality education for students from the impoverished communities of Freetown, and students in the remote area of Newton Village.
Disaster Relief Program

We supply toiletries, dry bedding, school supplies, dry clothing, and food for flood victims.
Sustainable Agriculture Program